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Kathy Claywell

Teacher, Robotics Coach, Office Assistant

Kathy teaches WeDo Robotics, Mindstorm robotics, helps in the office and coaches a successful FLL robotics team.

At Coda, she treasures “making a difference, obeying the call of God.”- Kathy Claywell

Kathy became involved with Coda through a friend and a trip to an FLL (First Lego League) competition. She says that her inspiration comes from her interest in STEM activities and her interaction with kids. Kathy is willing to do whatever Coda needs, and is appreciated beyond words.  

From Victor, WV., Kathy graduated from Ansted High School, and has B.S. Degree in Education from WVIT.


Copyright 2015 Coda Mountain Academy, Inc.

P.O. Box 615 Fayetteville, WV                304-900-0096

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